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King penguins live on land near a icey or cold sea. A king penguin’s tummy can separate salt from any sea with salt water. A king penguin is blueish-black,on its tummy is white.This penguin is the second biggest penguin in the world !


all info from facts 4 me .com

What Is A Friend

A friend is someone who comferts you and sticks up for you when your being bullyed and encorges you.A friend is someone who you can trust you and be nice to you and someone who will help you with all your problems.Someone you can call friend is someone who apprates you for who you are.



The ground is covered with snow

  I feel the winters times blow


I wish it was autoim

So I didn’t have to sleep under the blanket bottom


Now I’m in my house like a trap

So now I have to wear mywinters cap