My Turkey Cinquain
My DC slogon
Henry Hudson
Explorer Gazette
Henry Hudson an explorer mystery that people still can’t figure out.But here’s what I think , he possibly died of starvation and cold temp.He only had 7 loyal sailors, his son, and a boat with no oars. His boat froze over once, can’t it freeze over twice? some think it was an accident that the crew made a boat but forgot to make the oars, others think it was on purpose that they thought he was mad and left him there for dead. I also think natives killed him and sailed away leaving no trace that they where ever there.
Should Every Kid Get A Trophy?
Should every kid get a trophy? I think that it would be bad because kids would act
special, and bad, and have more gossip. I think kids would think they would get a trophy every day and be better than everyone and always have it there way no matter what they did they won.But people think yes to inspire them and make them feel good about them selves but, I think they’re wrong because it could also hurt there feelings it would make them feel like bad and they would get bullied.As many people say yes I say no.
What is gold
purple lighting
new math i’ve learned
I learned about so much new things i can’t put it in one paragraph…but,here are five new things i’ve learned.The first thing i’ve learned is is long division. My teacher made an acronym for the steps d stood for divide,the m stood for mutiply the s stood for subtract, the c stood for compare, the b stood for bring down,and the r stood for repeat.Which is dmscbr or the steps to long divison.the second new thingi I learned is how to use a protractor.This is how to use a protractor first, I line up the hole and the vertex, then you line up your hole and see what number it is.the third thing is decimals .decimals are dots that mean and, for example:1.3 is one AND three theths.The fourth thing I learned is how to use a calculator to divide,mutiply, add,and subtract.The last thing I learned is transformations,which is rotaion,reflucton, and translion
Bird’s Eyes
Gilia Tricolor [polemoniaceae]
This flower is called Bird’s Eyes. This flower grows in well drained soil.This flower grows in March thew May. It can grow up to 1 1 1/2 feet.This flower grows all over the United States.these flowers smell smells sweeter as it grows older and dies.The colors of the flower are purple,white,pink, and blue when it blooms.